A selection of some interesting past projects below. All my academic publications can be viewed on my Google Scholar profile.
- The UK's National Covid Chest Imaging Database - I was part of a technical team that worked with NHSX to set up the NCCID in the UK. We also wrote about it in a publication.
- NLP machine learning system - Predicts the positive/negative sentiment of user provided text. Model, API, and front end. Keras, TensorFlow, scikit-learn, NLTK, Flask, Dash
- Mapping medical prescribing patterns across England using cloud technologies - Airflow, AWS Redshift, Flask, Dash
- Removing noise from images using an autoencoder - Python, TensorFlow
- Putting computer vision into an iOS phone app - Swift, CoreML
- Generating fractal patterns with Julia - Julia
- Accelerating Conways Game of Life - C++, OpenMP, MPI, CUDA
- The static website you're looking at right now - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Finding invisible patterns of disease in brain MRIs - Python, scikit-learn